Research suggests that grief journaling after significant loss has therapeutic value. According to Greeks, the task of reconstructing your personal self story is critical in the healing process. A grief journal will provide you with a venue for expression without fear of being judged, as well as, a record of your experience that will indicate patterns and growth.
These are some examples of journal prompts you might try:
The hardest time of day is...
My support system includes...
I really need more...
I find it helpful when...
I find it difficult when...
What I miss the most is...
The best time I had with...
Allow yourself time to mourn. It is acknowledging that what the feeling is on the inside and the expression of it on the outside. It can be difficult expressing, especially if you're somebody that learned to stuff their feelings. But through mourning, grief is transformed into courage, hope and love.
Give yourself permission to feel your feelings. Express your feelings. It is important to get your feelings out and connect with your loved one every single day. Love is a sign that your relationship with them continues even though they are no longer here physically.
At some point you will re-engage with the living. Although you still have a relationship with someone who is no longer here, you also have relationships with people who are still here. This is very important for deep healing.

Have gratitude. Look at the blessings in your life and the love that was there. Look at all the people that you have supporting you. Feeling grateful is hugely important to get you through.
How long does grief last? Factors that influence this are the intensity and duration of grief; your pre-existing personality, your attachment style, genetic makeup and your unique vulnerability, Your age, health, your spirituality and cultural identity. The extent of your support and resources, the number of losses you've suffered, the type of relationship, the nature of the relationship and the manner of loss.
If you feel you have grief complicated by trauma or sights, sounds, smells you cannot seem to get away from; EMDR therapy can be very effective. Read more on the EMDR information page.